Thursday, 31 October 2013

Haloween lacquer

Reminiscing about the days I spent trekking all over Manchester, trick or treating and getting shed loads of candy makes me smile from ear to ear. So to celebrate Halloween,  I took an adult approach and did my nails instead. 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Work hard play HARDER

Been pretty busy at the moment juggling 5 assignments, so I feel like a very nerdy clown at the moment. And I've come to the realisation that MAYBE it wasn't the best idea of mine to start a blog when im trying to complete my final year at uni. I feel a tad like Ruby from the grat British bake off, except im not studying philosophy and im not baking avidly.  But in a way its nice to be busy with loads of things, that way I don't have time to ponder and procrastinate. 

But I have to admit working really hard and seeing time FLY before my eyes has made me more aware of how much time I wasted in the the past. So, im going to start posting more often - dare I say once a week!! 

In other news: Still feel like rocking skirts cause I literally don't care how cold it is. And i felt like wearing my Mums vintage jacket because I was kinda feeling the tacky gold chain vibe. And what can be more eye watering than pairing it with a leopard print top? Overall I felt pretty 90's / Lilly Allen - esque chic 

Shoes - Nike
Skirt - Zara
Jacket  - vintage Jacques Vert
Top - Junk (manchester) 

So how is everyone finding the 90's vibe trend in the shops? Like, no like? 
Comment and let me know!

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Cold but don't care

If you're reading this from the UK then im sure you aware the weathers turned awful over the past few days. And maybe walking around Manchester on Thursday with a short pleather skirt for Vogues fashion night out, WASNT the brightest idea I had this week. (Along with drinking too much and binging on sushi). So I decided to dress up like it's still summer, well kind of. That is a jumper in the top right corner BUT it is a really wide knit so its practicality a boob tube.

In other news. .

Things I love right now: Halloween, gogglebox, healthy smoothies, the new syle Louis Vuitton style handbags, eggs benidict,  leopard print, ridiculously over sized sack dresses, and pretending its still summer

Things I hate: being hungover, the rain, unfair people, shiny plastic coats (sorry!) And finally halogen ovens (mine just blew up!). 

What is everyone else loving or hating now the colds setting in?  Comment below and let me know! 

Skirt: Zara
Jumper: M&S
Fur waistcoat/gilet: Topshop
Shoes: Primark (with the bows sawn off!!)
Tights: I literally cant remember 

Zabrina x